Let's do this.

I am a pretty determined person. I set a goal, and I usually do it. Sometimes it takes a while, but I get it done.

My goals are pretty big. In college, I spent 3 weeks in Argentina for a school trip and was determined to go back on my own. So I worked early mornings at my coffee shop job, did my school work, finished a semester early and went backpacking all over South America for three months. Best time of my life.

I did basically the same thing (minus the school work but with the added school loan repayments) for various trips to New Orleans, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Philadelphia, Portland and Missoula over the years. And this past year, I wanted to add five new country stamps to my passport. So I did it. Done. Checked. Yes.

When it comes to traveling, I am focused. A career, however... well, that's a different story. Maybe because I've only worked in entry-level, zero-skills required jobs in the past. Not saying that my jobs were easy (have you ever worked in a restaurant? It's a zoo. No - a circus with hungry zoo animals roaring at you while you try to juggle and walk the tightrope), but none of them required very much investment.

Now I want to take that determination and passion that I have for traveling and turn it into a career.

I'm ready.


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